Sunday, March 14, 2010

Shopping for Vegetables at Shivaji market Pune (published article)

Where does one shop while planning a party, trying out new continental recipes or when just in the mood for some exotic vegetables? Does one browse down supermarket aisles or just shop at a single stall in Shivaji Market? Yes strangely, you would find almost anything you need at stall 164/165, which belongs to Yashoda Mausi.

Yashoda Mausi or Mrs. Yashoda Pralhad Saykar runs this three generation old family business, begun by her grandmother-in-law. An intimidating lady, she sits atop her stall of neatly piled vegetables all day with almost the same air as a sovereign on her throne, for undoubtedly she is the uncrowned queen of this market. Her little kingdom is a bright and colourful land. On the wall opposite her are posters proclaiming ‘Saykar Vegetable Suppliers’ with pictures of a variety of exotic vegetables and herbs. Suspended bell peppers in red, green and yellow, packed in plastic, cheerfully hang before her, tied to some hooks that have been fixed for the purpose. Similarly packed, bright cherry tomatoes hang close by, adding another merry note. Fresh asparagus, bunches of fragrant celery, dark green avocados, yellow and green squashes, baby corn, mushrooms, broccoli, leeks, different kinds of lettuce all vie for space with their more common cousins - onions, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, gourds, beans, peas etc. Everything is fresh and inviting. For the busier housewives, with little time, Mausi also has peeled garlic. The produce comes from many parts of India. The peppers are from close by Pandharpur, the asparagus from Nashik, other vegetables come from Bangalore and some even from the far North.

Assisted by her two sons, Mausi supplies fresh vegetables to many restaurants and hotels in Pune. Le Meridian, Sun n Sand, Mainland China, La Pizzeria, are just some of the many names they reel off. How did she manage to become the supplier to so many prestigious establishments, especially the hotels? Mausi quickly clears the clouds of doubts by chirping up “Tender diya tha”. She may be uneducated in the way of books but with her shrewdness and savoir-faire she is in no way naïve or ignorant. One cannot help but hold her in some awe and grant her the respect her achievement deserves, for she has built up the business by her own skill. Even today most other vegetable sellers do not have the courage to offer anything more than the traditional wares. When asked, they say that only Yashoda Mausi manages to sell the rarer produce.

It wasn’t an easy climb for her though, but in her face you can see her determination. About ten years ago when asked by a few people for vegetables she had never heard of, Yashoda Mausi was not fazed by her ignorance but made it her job to find out about them and their suppliers. In the beginning demand for exotic vegetables was little and the business did not fare very well with this daring new venture. Yashoda Mausi though, kept on and slowly built up a customer base for this new offering. In spite of supplying to restaurants and hotels, Mausi still runs the stall herself all day long.

Some customers order in on the land line or cell phone, others come by personally. Early in the day, chefs can be seen here rattling off names from their lists. Other customers come from all over and many a sophisticated lady is found here, smartly dressed, carefully choosing her vegetables. Of course Mausi isn’t too happy if her neat piles are upset too much, but then it is not really necessary to look very carefully, as her produce is always fresh. Mausi also frowns upon bargaining, and the furrow in her brow quickly discourages any would be hagglers. Full of homegrown wisdom, she realizes that while she is busy wrangling with one over a few rupees; she could be losing other customers. As a rule she quotes the only price she is willing to sell at or slightly more.

Shopping at the Saykar stall is an experience and Mausi usually manages to leave an indelible impression on her customers.

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