Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pariisms IV

Our lives are not worth what we get but what we give and share, for that is all that remains behind, sometimes a long time after we are gone.

‎'Impossible' is the result of the limitations of human knowledge, imagination and experience; for a God who says "Be" and It is, everything is in the realm of possibilities.

One of the reasons that unnecessarily complicates relationships is the false idea that if someone loves us they should sacrifice all their happiness pleasure and even comfort to prove that love to us

Observation at a shopping mall: "Constantly changing fashions are proof of the fickleness of the human race".

People who think their worth is based solely on their purchasing power, grossly underrate themselves

We often bring about the very circumstances that realize our deepest fears.

We begin to identify ourselves with races, religions, ethnic groups, cultures, traditions as we grow and our perceptions and understanding of differences develop. At birth all of us are only human.

People may not understand each other's language, even have differing interpretations of various gestures but no one can ever misunderstand the meaning of a genuine smile

This year began with the promise of great possibilities, which may not be realized, but it would be stupid to waste the beauty and happiness of the here and now, mourning over what could have been.

The pleasures of the present evaporate unnoticed like cool dew on fresh green grass, when we are trying to recapture the fragrance of yesterdays faded roses or dream about an unknown tomorrow veiled in mystery.

If only one of a number of paths leads to the truth, the real seeker will examine each of them minutely; to be closed minded or to reject any as impossible or false without giving them their due attention and thought might lead to the truth never being discovered.

We humans may have a hundred different names for 'WATER' in a hundred different languages, but we all drink it to quench our thirst

How blithely we say "and that's the truth!" When in reality the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth can be affirmed only after it has been examined from all perspectives, all its facets have been looked at and everything known about it has been delved into; even then there is often spacious room for human error.

‎'Impossible' is the result of the limitations of human knowledge, imagination and experience; for a God who says "Be" and It is, everything is in the realm of possibilities.

People who cheat, lie and take advantage of me think I am a loser and a fool but I feel that I will really be a loser if I lose my innocence that makes me believe deeply in the basic goodness of people and become a hard cynic.

History and archaeology have amply proved to us, if ever there was any doubt, that successive generations of humans are only caretakers and trustees on Earth; one may have a million land deeds or deeds to millions of acres but in truth nothing on the earth truly belongs to anyone one. So lets concentrate on preservation and conservation and not on willful destruction based on short term profit making.

Envy and jealousy are born with one's discontent with one's own possessions, talents, and achievements; those who are happy with their lot in life, however little it may be and confident of who they are, never care how much anyone else has or achieves.

Man puts any price he thinks fit on what he builds or creates yet he thoughtlessly destroys without a twinge of regret or scruples the priceless creations of nature

Ignorance gives rise to distrust which births fear and finally hatred. Only true knowledge and understanding lead to acceptance and respect.

Fleeting though the present may be, it continues to please for a long time, when woven in the rich tapestry of memories

True freedom is freedom from wants as wants shackle the mind with chains of desires

If only one of a number of paths leads to the truth, the real seeker will examine each of them minutely; to be closed minded or to reject any as impossible or false without giving them their due attention and thought might lead to the truth never being discovered.

We humans may have a hundred different names for 'WATER' in a hundred different languages, but we all drink it to quench our thirst.

How blithely we say "and that's the truth!" When in reality the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, can be affirmed only after it has been examined from all perspectives, all its facets have been looked at and everything known about it has been delved into; even then there is often spacious room for human error.

Nothing on Creation is as arrogant as those whose ultimate earthly destiny is to be food for either worms or the fire.

Do good just for the sake of doing good, not for expectations of praise, gratitude or reciprocation, for those tarnish the act of doing good and if not met could spoil relations with the person who has been on the receiving end of your goodness.

If one good thing is coming to an end it doesn't mean another is not waiting just around the

corner to begin.

Walls, pillars and roofs house the body, while trees, rivers, mountains, lakes, valleys and all the wonders of nature house the soul. Lets be careful that in our quest for housing the bodies we do not make the souls homeless.

As man uses his limited foresight and imagination to reshape the Earth, replacing living green with dead greys, nature laughs because despite how strong and how high man builds a day comes when nature claims its own.

Don't always seek company of others, sometimes seek the silence and solitude where you can listen to your inner voice, so you can get acquainted with your true self.

We are body and soul. The conflict that rages within us is the conflict between their different needs. The body is dazzled by what it can see and yearns for it, whereas the needs of the soul lie beyond the earth, in eternity and infinity. The body wishes to cram as much as it can into its limited existence, the soul knows all Eternity is waiting for it. Who should win, the perishable body or the immortal soul?

The kindness of friends, acquaintances and strangers, continues to touch me deeply and always reaffirms my faith in human nature when it is at its lowest.

The avarice I witness in the world, makes me appreciate even more deeply the millions of unknown people who upload books, lessons, advice, music, photographs, movies, etc, online, just for the satisfaction of sharing with others and for no expectations of any monetary consideration whatsoever

A good teacher knows that their true reward is the mind that blossoms and grows under their careful tutelage. Giving mercenary considerations priority, tarnishes and belittles their eminent calling.

For my many photographer friends: How fortunate the photographer, to spy moments of beauty and wonder and with a click be able to share them and preserve them forever, to see the smallest detail in their world 'through the lens' and to be able to share their perspective with the whole world.

A good friend will listen to your woes and sympathize a few times, but at one point they will wish you would let go and move on and they would be right, for live awaits to embrace us all with gifts we cannot begin to dream of, but we have to let go the pain, the disillusionments, the disappointments and move on to find them.

There are times in life when nothing of any great consequence is happening, either good or bad; These are the times of calm, times to rest and rejuvenate mind, body, heart and soul.

Time is not an enemy to be killed nor is it available to us in such great abundance that we pass it in frivolous pursuits. Time is valuable, because it is the most perishable and absolutely irreplaceable thing we know. it's a wealth that cannot be saved and is running out moment by moment. The only way to utilise it to the best, is to make the maximum use of each moment.

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